Masterplan 2.0 Wintersport-Arena Sauerland

The Masterplan winter sports arena Sauerland that was carried out 1999-2002 and implemented in the following years was one of the most successful development projects in the German tourism. Compared to 1999 the number of skier days in the alpine ski areas increased by more than threefold. Not least thanks to the initial funding of snowmaking projects by the state of NRW with a sum of 4.3 million euros. A total of around 95 million euros were invested in the development of the alpine and nordic ski areas since 1999 in the Sauerland. To ensure the success of the winter sports arena's sustainable, the Wintersport-Arena Sauerland e.V. now has commissioned an update of the master plan by the DSHS Cologne, Institute for Outdoor Sports and Environmental Science. Montenius Consult Montenius as a subcontractor is working on key elements of the Master Plan 2.0.
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