Introduced feasibility study Erlebniswelt Goldisthal-Masserberg

On February 5, the results of the feasibility study for the project Erlebniswelt Goldisthal-Masserberg were presented to the local population in a citizen assembly. In cooperation with gamon&partner consultancy from Austria, Wald, Wild, Landschaftsökologie from Bad Krozingen and ift Freizeit- und Tourismusberatung consultants from Cologne, Montenius Consult produced a feasibility study of an interconnected system of ski trails between the villages of Masserberg and Goldisthal in the Thuringian Forest. Planning issues as well as ecological and economic impacts had to be addressed. The main features of the project are the establishment of a new slope on the northern side of the Farmdenkopf above the village of Goldisthal. On the mountaintop is the upper reservoir of the Vattenfall hydroelectric power station. The Farmdenkopf can be accessed by gondola from the Rennsteig area in the village of Masserberg (300,000 bed nights p.a.) across the Schwarzatal and the reservoir. The new slope and gondola schemes will be enhanced by the establishemt of a mountain hiking trail and a Skywalk as well as several downhill attractions. The existing hiking trails (including four certified quality trails), cycling and trails for Nordic skiing are included in the Goldisthal-Masserberg experience.
MDR-TV project report:
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